Titel | Autor / Verlag | Jahr | Massstab | |
Valesia / Wallisser Land | Münster, Sebastian | um 1550 | ca. 1 : 500'000 | |
[Westschweiz] | Münster, Sebastian | 1561 | ca. 1 : 600'000 | |
Das Wiflispurgergov | Mercator, Gerhard | um 1600 | ca. 1 : 300'000 | |
Von dem Genffer See | Münster, Sebastian | 1614 | ca. 1 : 300'000 | |
Das Wiflispvrgergov | Mercator, Gerhard / Janssonius, Joannes | 1636 | ca. 1 : 300'000 | |
Burgundiae Comitatus | Mercator, Gerhard / Janssonius, Joannes | 1636 | ca. 1 : 640'000 | |
Carte de la Souveraineté de Neuchatel et Vallangin | Merveilleux, David François de | um 1720 | ca. 1 : 100'000 | |
A New & Accurate Map of Switzerland with it's Allies and Subjects / A New Plan of the City of Geneva | Bowen, Emanuel | 1747 | ca. 1 : 1'800'000 | |
Carte du Lac de Geneve | Chopy, Antoine | 1760 | ca. 1 : 200'000 | |
A Chart Shewing the Situation, Distances and Heights of some of the most remarkable Mountains, that are seen from the borders of the Lake of Geneva | 1775 | ca. 1 : 210'000 | ||
Parte Occidentale dell' Elvezia Divisa ne' suoi cantoni | Zatta, Antonio | 1781 | ca. 1 : 650'000 | |
Carte de la Suisse romande | Mallet, Henri | 1781 | ca. 1 : 100'000 | |
Le Canton de Genève | Keller, Heinrich | 1817 | ca. 1 : 160'000 | |
Le Canton de Neuchatel | Keller, Heinrich | um 1820 | ca. 1 : 190'000 | |
Der Canton Wallis | Keller, Heinrich | 1820 | ca. 1 : 440'000 | |
Le Canton de Vaud / Canton Waadt | Keller, Heinrich | um 1820 | ca. 1 : 400'000 | |
Der Canton Freyburg | Keller, Heinrich | um 1820 | ca. 1 : 270'000 | |
Das Preußische Fürstentum Neuchatel | Streit, Friedrich Wilhelm | 1834 | 1 : 212'800 | |
Freyburg in der Schweiz | Woerl, I. | 1834 | 1 : 200'000 | |
Savoyen | 1888 | ca. 1 : 750'000 | ||
Genève | 1888 | ca. 1 : 14'000 | ||
Carte du Valais et du Tessin pour Touristes | Kümmerly & Frey, Bern | um 1910 | 1 : 300'000 |